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How to keep your staff healthy during the Winter months

As you maybe aware I am all about well-being. Looking after your staff is such an important part of what I do.

As well as the EAP (employee assist programmes, such as private health, therapy and counselling services) have you thought about:

Getting some essential oil diffusers and have them plugged into different areas of your workplace to create such atmospheres:

Calming or

Energizing or


Yes, this can be done for sure. I have a number of clients that use essential oils to really support their clients.

In the staff room having Lavender for calming, stress relief.

Maybe in another area having Peppermint and wild orange for creative or energising. Wild Orange can also support depression and lack of energy. 

I am also able to visit premises and carry out an educational hour on the safe use of the oils. This includes the best oils for a certain issue, how to use them, when to use them and also the many benefits of using them in the workplace.

Essential OilsSome of my recently most asked questions are around stress, fatigue and menopause – which are 3 areas that I can really support.

Another benefit is that they are all natural and can be used around children and animals.

During the winter months I feel it is important to keep coughs and colds at bay, so I can recommend a set of oils that can support your immune system and keep you healthier during this season. The blend I recommend is On Guard and comes in many forms such as oil, rollerball, beadlets, toothpaste and spray. HIGHLY recommend this – we use this as a family EVERYDAY.

If you would like any further information or a book in an educational hour for your staff contact me today on 07770 302504 or email