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As an employer how can I improve staff wellness through Essential Oils?

Essential oils are great for using in the workplace, if you chose an appropriate essential oil, and use it safely. Essential oils may help to uplift mood, cleanse the environment, stimulate socialization, and give focus and clarity to stressful situations. The following essential oils have been chosen for the workplace based on these qualities.

Lemon Essential OilLemon Essential Oil.

Lemon essential oil is a useful essential oil to have in the workplace because it is a mulit-tasker. Not only can it uplift mood, it can cleanse the air (keeping it free of workplace germs and the potential for colds and sniffles), and it can encourage socialization among work colleagues.

Past research has explored the effects of pumping lemon essential oil through a Japanese office building to help to increase work productivity and reduce the probability of error.

Lemon essential oil has a lemony, fresh aroma that is liked by most people and it is not obnoxiously overpowering. Lime essential oil can make a good substitute for lemon, as it can be used for the same purposes, just with a slightly different aroma.


Rosemary Essential OilRosemary Essential Oil.

Rosemary essential oil is a good oil for the workplace in that it can help to stimulate memory and prevent mental fatigue. It can also be a very good preventative essential oil to have around to combat coughs and colds; the herb was used in medieval times to combat the symptoms of the Black Death.

Although rosemary essential oil’s aroma is not to everyone’s taste, you can combine it with a more “pleasing” aroma, such as one of the citrus essential oils.



Clary Sage Essential OilClary Sage Essential Oil.

Clary sage essential oil is often liked by women for its many uses for “women’s aliments.” However, it can be used in the workplace to help with stress levels, anxiety, people who are prone to panic attacks, and as an air freshener (to combat germs).

Clary sage essential oil is herbaceous in aroma.



Bergamot Essential OilBergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil may help those in the workplace who suffer from lack of confidence. Bergamot is also a beneficial essential oil to keep handy for anxiety, depression, and shock. If your work involves interaction with vulnerable groups, such as domestic violence issues, this could be a very useful essential oil to have on hand for clients.

Like other citrus essential oils, bergamot essential oil is also a great air freshener and germ-combatant.



Cypress Essential OilCypress Essential Oil.

Cypress essential oil is not perhaps the first essential oil you would think of as a recommendation for the workplace, but I consider it a good alternative to some of the other essential oils mentioned, if you prefer a woody, earthy, balsamic aroma.

Cypress essential oil can be used in the workplace for irritability issues, stress, and as a cleaner and air freshener. Combine with bergamot essential oil for a calming, effective blend.



See more information on all SINGLE ESSENTIAL OILS here

Note: The advice given in this article is for informational purposes only.