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Using Essential Oils to support Eczema and Psoriasis

I have been working with a number of clients and their families supporting skin issues and have had many positive results with doTERRA oils and supplements.

The bacteria in the stomach can affect so many skin conditions, they say your stomach is your 2nd brain.

When clients come to me that have tried endless creams and tablets and are having varied skin issues, I will usually suggest doing a cleanse then we can start fresh with new healthy bacteria. We have 2 products that are great for this cleanse GX Assist and PB Assist. These are to be taken for 10 days each.

One product that I recommend for adults and children over 14 for Psoriasis is Terrazyme – here is some further information:

TerrazymeTerraZyme is a proprietary blend of active whole-food enzymes and supporting cofactors that are often deficient in cooked, processed, and preservative-laden foods. The powerful combination of digestive enzymes found in TerraZyme supports the body’s constant production of enzymes critical for healthy biochemical functions, including healthy digestion of food nutrients and cellular metabolism of nutrients to energy. TerraZyme includes a variety of whole-food enzymes that help with the digestion of proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, sugars, and fibre.

Our enzymes are specialised proteins that function as catalysts in almost all cellular functions and chemical reactions throughout the body. Enzymes play a critical role in growth, healing, and reproduction. They are also necessary for breathing, thinking, immune function, hormone regulation, detoxification, and thousands of other biochemical functions. Enzymes are also necessary for digesting food nutrients and converting nutrients to energy in cells.

The body’s ability to constantly produce metabolic and digestive enzymes is limited by raw material availability and production capacity. If our diets do not include sufficient food enzymes to break down the food we eat, our body’s enzyme resources must be directed toward the production of digestive enzymes to speed conversion of food to bioavailable nutrients. Production capacity directed toward the production of digestive enzymes is capacity not available for the production of important metabolic enzymes.

PB AssistFor younger children we have a great product called PB Assist Jnr and this works the same way with the bacterial flora in the tummy. These are like sherbet and they are strawberry flavour – you can take 1 per day (we use these everyday after breakfast) You can add these to yoghurts or smoothies too. PB Assist Jr is a powdered probiotic supplement designed for children or adults who have trouble swallowing pills. It includes 5 billion live cells of a unique blend of six different probiotic strains, specifically selected for their benefits among children. These probiotics have been blended into a delicious powder that can be poured directly into the mouth for a fun and tasty way to integrate probiotics into anyone’s daily routine.

Here is a picture of a clients son as you can see his hands were all swollen, inflamed, sore and had some open wounds. We used Fractionated Coconut Oil and Lavender for 30 days and the results were really amazing both the son and mum were really happy. He also slept in gloves so that he wouldn’t scratch in his sleep – he also slept well as he had lavender on. Win Win.


essential oils eczema

All of my clients are totally different and they all require different information, guidance and oils and we will work together to find a solution that works for each client.

Please contact me for any further information on