Making Healthy Choices
I’m delighted to introduce this Guest Blog from Suzanne – she shares some valuable advice about healthy eating for weight loss, particularly advocating fresh and wholesome food. Our Slim & Sassy blend can really support you alongside this great advice, happy reading, Jo x
Hi my name is Suzanne and I am an Accountant and an Independent Consultant with Arbonne, I love helping people and both of my professions fit that category.
I have been an accountant for over 25 years and in the health and wellness business for over 3 years now and love what I do. My health and wellness passion is helping people lead a healthier lifestyle through the combination of skin care and nutrition which can transform you inside and out. To find out more please vist
Weight Loss
When trying to loose weight it is important that you don’t just count calories, a healthy balanced diet full of nutritious ingredients involves making healthy choices.
- Increase your nutritional intake try and eat Organic where necessary.
- Try to eat clean whole foods (no processed foods)
- Grass-fed beef, without grains, hormones or antibiotics.
- Free-range chicken or turkey that are not fed grains, hormones, antibiotics etc
- Organic eggs (cage-free).
- Wild caught fish (not farmed).
- Organic fruits & vegetables.
- Healthy complex carbohydrates, ie brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes.
- Healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, almond butter etc
Remove foods that don’t suit you, ie. acidic, anti-inflammatory and addictive foods which can be harmful to your body. (gluten, refined sugar, etc)
When you eat clean, you correct your pH balance. All food is either alkaline or acidic forming.
If your body is more acidic, you are more prone to disease, illnesses, bacteria & viruses
Eating a clean healthy diet helps the body remove Toxins which results in weight loss
Balancing your blood sugar.
Eating sugar and acidic carbohydrates (simple carbs like bread, crackers, biscuits, fruit, potatoes etc causes the body to secrete insulin.
Insulin signals the body to bring the blood sugar down and to hold onto fat.
Low blood sugar then causes cravings.
Here are some general recommendations:
- Eat at regular intervals, every 3-4 hours, including 3 meals and 1-3 snacks daily.
- Avoid skipping meals and eating excessive portion sizes
- Eat balanced snacks or meals, foods containing proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy and high quality fats and fibre.