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A to Z of being a part of Jo’s team – The Essex Diamonds.

Essential Oils Team

A * A very supportive team that works together and achieves all of their individual goals.

B * Bonuses – there are lots of different bonus payments paid weekly and monthly.

C * Collaboration – we all work together and have formed amazing relationships and have become friends.

D * Dedication – Jo is so dedicated to working with each person in the team and will always help and support as/when you need any help.

E * Essex Diamonds – the most amazing team EVER – this is Jo’s team.

F * Family trips – Just one of the visions the team have and that is to work towards having that special holiday with the family or friends.

G * Great relationships – we are like 1 big family as we all work together and have great fun sharing and helping each other.

H * Holidays – some of the team set their goals saving their commission payments for that special holiday.

I * Incentive trips every year to be won, each year it is to a different destination. Last year Jo won a trip to Sicily to visit the Citrus distillery, she loved it!!

J * Joy – there is so much joy in our team, Jo makes it so much fun setting FREE products as prizes as well as so much support to help each other move to the next stage of their business.

K * Knowledge – the whole team share ideas with each other on what works for them and what doesn’t – its all about sharing information to help each other.

L * Learning – there is always so much to learn. This can be done face to face, zoom calls, team facebook pages or doTERRA company events.

M * Mums, dads, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunties and teenagers can all share the oils with their family and friends to help them in a natural way.

N * No limits – there are no limits to the amount of earning potential with doTERRA. We all set our goals and visions.

O * Opportunities are endless with doTERRA, you can do as much or as little as you want to.

P * Personal development – the learning is incredible. There are always team challenges and you can participate as much or as little as you want to.

Q * Quality time – the team members love the fact that they can work around their family’s commitments and then schedule time off so they don’t miss their children’s special event such as Sports Day and Christmas nativity plays.

R * Results – we all achieve amazing and life changing results when we share these wonderful oils with our family and friends.

S * Support – You get whatever support you need at that particular time. There are times when you don’t need much support but then there are times when you need lots and it is always available from the team.

T * Team goals – each member of the team sets their own goals, we then work together to help each other achieve them.

U * Understanding – we all understand life gets in the way and we are all there for each other as and when needed. We all go through different issues but as a team we talk about this and share our experiences and learn from each other.

V * Visions – all members of the team have their own visions and we all support each other every step of the way.

W * WhatsApp – we have a VIP WhatsApp group and this is where we can all ask any questions about any oils, ordering or ailments and we all support each other.

X * Xtra support and guidance is always on hand from the team. We share a lot of our questions on the dedicated team facebook page and the support we give each other is amazing.

Y * You can do as much as you want to and this enables us to work around our family commitments.

Z * Zoom calls – this is a weekly occurrence within our team and it consists of some product training and team training. Its free and easy to use – we can share our computer screens with each other so that any training documents or information can be seen by all.

I hope you have found this useful – if you have a particular question about joining dōTERRA Essential Oils please do just get in touch for a no obligation chat, Jo.

Essential Oils