I have been using essential oils recently and have found they have made a huge impact on my days. I am able to give myself a pick-me-up, motivation, or the ability to calm down all by adding a couple of drops of my chosen oil to my diffuser.
Today I got incredibly excited as I opened my newest oil, and I wanted to share why…
I have always been a good person to have around f you are eating starbursts or skittles – most people go for the red and purple ones, but I go straight for the green. Lime is my friend.
I love the sharpness of lime and how refreshing it is. One of my favourite drinks is a G&T, with lots of ice and big a wedge of fresh lime that I squeeze & then drop into the glass. That sounds as it clinks against the ice, and that smell as the citrus tones hit me when I take the first sip (gulp!) is utter bliss.
Today I opened my lime essential oil. It was everything wonderful about spring in a glass. It was invigorating, fresh, and it smelt so clean. I could imagine sitting in a beer garden, surrounded by daffodils, trying to ignore the ‘slightly too cold’ breeze as I sipped my first G&T of the year (day!)
One of the best things? This is 100% pure lime oil, and so it is amazing for baking. Give a twist to your cupcakes, or revamp that lemon drizzle…Plus with 250ml per bottle it will last and last. If you store it in a cool cupboard it will last you up to 2 years.
Another amazing thing? Lime oil helps to lift listlessness and exhaustion, and it can also help with depression.
So you can bake with it, you can drink it (a couple of drops in a pint of water and you’re good to go!) and you can use it in a diffuser or oil burner. The fact the oils are not padded out with cheaper oils means they are 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade, therefore they are safe to use in food as you know exactly what is in them. It also means you don’t need as much as some other inferior oils as they are so strong.