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What oils to use to be calm, fit and healthy this summer on holiday.

If you’re anxious about travel or feeling generally stressed, essential oils can help bring a sense of calm. Lavender can calm, relieve stress, alleviate inflammation and aid sleep. The Balance oil can help with a sense of calm and grounding feelings too.

So once your on the plane (train, coach, helicopter, boat, car, bus) I would add 1 drop of On Guard to your wrists this will support your immune system – if you notice when you are in a confined area there is a lot of coughing, sneezing and spluttering. You don’t want to get on holiday and then suffer with chest infections etc..

Make sure you drink plenty of water whilst travelling – could add a drop of Lemon too for a refreshing flavour.

If you need to sleep just add a drop of lavender to your wrists to support some needed sleep. Lavender is also great to support rashes, burns, spots and any issues when calming is required.

While peppermint improves mental focus and is an excellent ‘pick-me-up’, apply to your wrists once you’ve landed, especially great for jet-lag when your body is trying to go to sleep and you need it to stay awake for a while longer. Peppermint is also great for supporting headaches, tummy aches, fevers and migraines.

The blend called Terrashield will support insects – so can be used during the day added to your suncream and also in the evening added to your body moisture cream. It is also great to add to your diffuser for your bedroom as a deterrent.

Should you be unfortunate to suffer with tummy issues the blend called Digest Zen/Gest is a must. Just add 1 drop to a handful of any carrier oil such as coconut oil or even body cream and rub on the tummy area. You could also pop 1 drop in a glass of water and drink if you prefer.

Depending what you are doing on holiday whether your walking, hiking, jet-ski-ing, gym workouts, athletic training, watersports, ski-ing or any other family activities that can cause aches and pains – Deep Blue is highly recommended to support any muscle issues.

I am always happy to help with any Essential Oil questions please contact me for any further assistance.

Summer must have’s

LavenderTerrashieldOn GuardDigest ZenDeep BlueLemonBalance

Lavender Essential OilTerraShield Essential OilOn Guard essential oilDigest Zen Essential OilDeep Blue Essential Oil BlendLemon Essential OilBalance Essential Oil Blend